Compiled by Jalen Gumbs
Photo Editor
Campus police is available for assistance 24 hours a day every day for students, visitors and faculty. Campus security can be called for emergencies, request for medical assistance, police and fire department services, student services assistance, or maintenance issues.
Campus security can be contacted at (724) 830-4999 or at extension 4999 on any campus telephone.
Campus security can be located in Lowe Hall room 117.
Campus Police Chief Dell’s office is located in Lowe 115 and his hours are Monday – Friday 8 AM to 4 PM Chief Dell can be contacted at (724) 830-4998
In case of any need for campus security they can be contacted at (724) 244-2192 or by extension 4911 on any campus telephone.
The campus police encourage all members of the University community and visitors to report all crimes and suspicious activities to the Campus Police Department.