SHU’s Performing Arts Center presents “Running in Traffic” Friday May 4. Come enjoy a performance about a woman in a sandwich suit saving the life of an autistic man. Tickets are only $5 for SHU students.
Skyblast Pirates game tickets for the May 5 game against the Cincinnati Reds are on sale now. For $20 students receive the ticket and another ten dollars for food or merchandise.
Head down to McKenna Lawn Saturday night to enjoy a nice campfire, free food, fun games, and even a movie at the All-Campus Campout hosted by the Biology Club. Events will begin at 7 p.m. and continue until 12:30 a.m.
For some classier entertainment, the Westmoreland Youth Symphony Orchestra Philharmonic will be performing on Sunday, May 6 at 3 p.m at the Performing Arts Center.
Tuesday May 8 marks the second midnight breakfast of the year. Come enjoy seeing your favorite staff after hours serving breakfast at the cafeteria from 11 p.m. until 1 a.m.
The class of 2012 will be hosting an ultimate Frisbee tournament Wednesday May 9. Food will be provided so come and join the 2012 class officers on Sullivan Lawn 4:30 until 8:30.