Being a college student is no easy task; but neither is being a college athlete. When you combine that along with being co-captain of the 8th ranked Lacrosse team in the nation (according to USILA Coaches) then you really have a dedicated student athlete, this is senior attacker Marc Piche. Not only is Marc a criminal justice major with a sociology minor, but he is a member of SAAC, Student Athlete Advisory Committee, and the Secretary of the Criminal Justice Club.

Photos courtesy of D.Clark/ Setonian
Piche started playing sports at a very young age with his brother. Their father coached many sports but he finally found lacrosse when he was 11 years old. “My dad brought me home a stick one day and taught me how to throw, then he took me to a varsity game and I was hooked.” In high school, he played basketball, soccer, cross-country, and lacrosse. He ultimately decided to stick with lacrosse because “I love the sport and knew that continuing to play could offer me many opportunities in the future.”
Being from Adams Center, New York, which is in northern New York, he loves watching Syracuse basketball and the New York Yankees play. After looking into and visiting numerous colleges Marc choose to attend and play lacrosse for Seton Hill University.
“I chose SHU because I had the opportunity to play lacrosse for a great program and when I visited the campus I loved the atmosphere and the people,” said Piche.

After taking several courses, Piche decided to major in criminal justice to fulfill his career aspirations of being in law enforcement and becoming a probation officer. Over his last four years Piche has been very involved with many organizations at Seton Hill, most notably SAAC, the student athlete advisory committee. According to the NCAA website SAAC – “is a committee made up of student athletes assembled to provide insight on the student athlete experience. The SAAC also offers input on the rules, regulations and policies that affect student athletes’ lives on NCAA member institution campuses.”
Although successfully undertaking his academic work, Piche has also made a very big impact on the lacrosse field.
The Seton Hill Men’s Lacrosse team is currently ranked 8th in the nation. So far this season Piche has had 19 goals, 13 assists and 32 total points for the Griffins being the second leading scorer. Being a co-captain of such a successful team requires a lot of dedication and motivation.

Piche said, “Success motivates me most. I want to win a conference championship and a national championship. I remind my teammates and myself that in order to have success we have to earn it everyday in practice.”
On Saturday April 11, 2015 the lacrosse team took on the number one ranked Lake Erie Storm. After a battle on the field Seton Hill took down the Storm with a final score of 12-11. In retrospect on the win, Piche said that, “I would have to say we all were extremely pleased and relieved. We have been working very hard and know that we can play with any team in the Nation, so beating the best just reassured us that we are on the right path and to keep striving for success.”
Marc Piche has started as an attacker for two years now and has worked hard in every off-season along with his teammates. Last year the Griffins finished their season 10-6.
Head Coach Brian Novotny said, “The 2014 season was a good year, we competed at a high level and conquered some challenges that we have never conquered before. But we were inconsistent down the stretch, and let some opportunities slip away from us. Each summer we review the previous year, what went well, what didn’t. Really reflecting on how we could have been, and how we can, be better.”
With that in mind Piche and his teammates were very driven to improve their team and be the best that they could be.

Coach Novotny went on to say, “It has been a really good start to the 2015 season. To look at what is driving this team you have to look back at last season. As a program (the staff and players) we knew we could have accomplished more last year, we could have been a better team. We wanted to re-focus our team on the process of becoming a great team. Preparing each and every day to be the best team we can be. We wanted to focus on the journey not the destination. The team has really embraced that approach. They have been very engaged throughout the year.”
Piche believes that being an elite team in the nation is “very rewarding.” “We have worked hard to become an elite DII program. It’s a great team and program achievement but I’m certain we have more to prove,” said Piche. That positive attitude and support system has enabled the Seton Hill Men’s Lacrosse program to thrive.
Like all college athletes, one day that athlete has to hang up their cleats for the last time. This being Piche’s final season he will miss most. “Having the team camaraderie and being able to compete at a high level everyday,” said Piche. He encourages his teammates to also, “keep working hard every day and to believe in each other and the program.”
Looking back on his college playing days and being a Griffin, Piche is proud that being a Griffin meant, “having great integrity and purpose in everything that you do.” Although being an extremely busy man, Piche has still made time to be an attacker both on and off of the field.