1. Thank you for laughing at my autocorrect mistakes.
2. Thank you for putting up with me and only complaining a little bit when I drag you places.
3. Thank you for offering to punch people who tick me off. You’d probably get your butt kicked upside down, but I appreciate the offer.
4. Thank you for eating the last cookie. That was mine, ya little punk, I’ll fight you-
5. Thank you for being there for me during family dinners and kicking me under the table whenever I open my mouth to say anything about politics. Or religion. Or existence in general.
6. Thank you for the many varied names you’ve called me over the years. You’re very creative, it’s come in handy quite a few times.
7. Thank you for understanding exactly which indie-pop song I’m referring to even when I’m talking about something completely different.
8. Thank you for bugging me until I finally read that book you recommended. It was alright. I’ve already preordered the rest of the series if you want to read ‘em when I finish…
9. Thank you for teaching me how to communicate solely in meaningful glances and long-suffering sighs.
10. Thank you for being my ally against the other siblings. Now, I’ll sneak around to their left flank while you take the right and that blanket fort will be ours…
11. Thank you for making our last name so memorable that people keep congratulating me when I introduce myself. Not sure what you did to make that happen, but thanks?

Published By: Paige Parise