The Nature Club will be handing out cups and seeds today directly after the junior class tree planting ceremony, which begins at 1:45 p.m. this afternoon. The event will be held on the front lawn of the Administration Building.
“Originally we planned a trash pick-up walk to combat litter, but fortunately our campus doesn’t have much litter so we decided to plant seeds,” said Madeleine Robbins, Nature Club president. “With spring weather upon us, we thought students would enjoy having a little bit of the season in their rooms.”
“We chose seeds that can be planted indoors now, and transplanted outside later, after all chance of frost.” According to Robbins, there will be sunflowers, wildflowers, morning glory, marigolds and some other herbs available for students to pick from. Students are encouraged to plant their seeds, watch them come to life and transplant them once they grow.
“There’s a lot of joy to be found in appreciating the beautiful landscape we have here on campus,” Robbins said. “Students should be involved in caring for our environment because it’s a precious gift.”
Published By: Paige Parise