Spring into Finals
Spring is finally here
The flowers are in bloom
Finals are definitely near
Anxiety fills the room
Presentations, projects and tests
Cups of coffee and tea
Friends wishing you the best
Once you’ve finished your flee
The lovely feeling of warm sun rays
Full of excitement to head home
No more early mornings and late days
Smiling at the memories of playing in the foam

Spring Has Sprung
There are so many rain showers
Which bring beautiful flowers
Enjoying a morning run
And also a nice tan under the sun
From tulips to dogwood
To sneezes from the pollen on your car hood
Eating honeydew and sweet strawberries
Spending free time reading in libraries
Creating your own little garden
Going to your favorite store catching the bargain
The fresh, bright green grass
Evening sun gleaming through the glass
Catching that lovely sunset
While you enjoy your fresh baguette
Click here for Danisha Rogers’ tips for finals week in our May 2017 Magazine.
Published By: Paige Parise