“Welcome to the STAC Laboratory. This lab used to be an amazing factory style lab. Unfortunately, a few years ago some health inspectors found some things in this lab that weren’t up to code. Tonight, we will take a tour of this abandoned lab. There may still be some experiments inside; they won’t touch you if you don’t touch them,” said lab guide Bobby Tramontina.
The Seton Hill Theatre Activities Council’s annual haunted house was absolutely amazing! This year’s theme was Mad Scientist. All the actors in the haunted house were either the “experiments,” including Luc Bouille, Gwen Little, Cam Nickel and Maddie Kocur, to name a few, or the scientist, who was played by James Scharer. The makeup and costume designs were all done by Colleen Malley, a junior theatre performance major with a 2-D fine art minor.
The haunted house takes you “behind the scenes” of the Ryan theater. When you first enter, your guide takes you through the first hallway to the elevator where you ride down (there was a guy with a fake axe in there this year) to the back entrance of the dressing room and then up the last set of stairs to the hallway you started in. Along the route, you come across experiments with bags over their heads, one with a face on her face, some with teeth for eyes and other creepy “experiments.”
This year’s STAC haunted house was just the right amount of creepy and scary for the Halloween season! Whenever you went, you had to pay $5, and that allowed you to go through as many times as you would like.

“I loved the fact that it was like, two levels, and you have to navigate through that,” said junior Briana Kupic. “I thought it was really cool. My favorite scarers were the guy in the elevator and the girl with the stitches for eyes. I don’t know who they were, but they were cool. I went through I think three times.”
“I thought all of the haunted house was good,” said sophomore Alyese Bolton. “I’m not a big fan of haunted houses in general, so it was nice to know that the scarers wouldn’t get all up in your face or grab you. So I wasn’t as scared as I would be in other haunted houses. I really didn’t pay attention to who was who, but I did see one of my friends, he was the guy in the elevator with the bloody axe.”
Published By: Paige Parise