The thought of entering the professional world after graduation is terrifying. Networking with professionals in your field is a great way to ease your adulting anxieties. With Seton Hill being only 40 minutes from Pittsburgh, you have the opportunity to attend some great networking events. Here are the top five events to check out in Pittsburgh in October 2019!
Speed Networking
Everyone has heard of speed dating, but have you heard of speed networking? This fast paced, fun event is hosted by Speed Networking Pittsburgh, a company dedicated to allowing business professionals to connect and network in the easiest way possible.
Speed networking allows you connect with a business professional face to face for about five minutes. If you choose to connect with them, you make a note on a card provided at the event, and Speed Networking Pittsburgh will make the connection for you.
It’s kind of like real life Tinder for business professionals. If they decided to connect with you and vice versa, Speed Networking Pittsburgh will notify you with their information. They cater to entertainment, medical, entrepreneurs, small business owners, real estate, finance and legal fields.
Time: October 21st, 7:00pm-9:00 p.m.
Location: The Flats on Carson 1500 E Carson St Pittsburgh, Pa. 15203
Admission: $26.95
For more information check out: https://www.speedpittsburghnetworking.com/event-schedule
Young Nonprofit Professionals Network’s Meet ‘n Eat
Nonprofit work? Food? Happy Hour? What could be better! Young Nonprofit Professionals Network hosts a monthly ‘Meet ‘n Eat’ in Pittsburgh. The event is run by members of the YNPN board of directors. This is a casual night of fun, food, drinks, creating connections and talking nonprofit work. Food and drink are available for purchase, but admission is free. The location and time of the event will be announced at a later date.
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Amission: FREE
For more information check out: https://www.ynpnpgh.org/programs_events
Aspire to Be- A Millennial Mixer
Aspire to Be is a mixer for adults 18 and over hosted by State Representative Jake Wheately Jr. This is a casual event for young professionals to mix with others in their field. There will be professionals from fields ranging from social media, IT and construction.
For a casual atmosphere, there will be live entertainment, raffles, employer tables, and free food! This is a perfect way to spend the night having fun while making some serious connections.
Time: October 22nd, 5:00pm-9:00pm
Location: Duquesne University Power Center 1015 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Admission: FREE
For more information check out https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aspire-to-be-millennial-mixer-tickets-71411793597?aff=erellivmlt
Good Friday at the Warhol
If typical networking isn’t your thing, Good Fridays are a perfect networking without the pressure of a “real” networking event. Every Friday the Warhol museum hosts extended hours from 5:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Starting at 5:00 p.m. guests are welcome to explore the museum, purchase drinks from the cash bar and mingle with other attendees.
The Warhol extended hours are supposed to create a more social museum-going experience. Networking and creating connections with others is strongly encouraged!
Date: Fridays from 5:00pm-10:00pm
Location: 117 Sandusky St, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15212
Admission: $5 for students, $10 for adults
For more information check out: https://www.warhol.org/event/good-fridays/
Published by Caitlin Srager