By Ashley Grasinger
(GREENSBURG, Pa) “This is the best twenty dollars I ever spent,” shouted Robert Praksti, a senior music education major after he won the bid to pie the choir and voice instructor Dr. Boyle. “It is for a great cause, we are trying to raise money to go to our conference. Being able to participate in this event is a really fun experience,” Praksti said.
On Monday, September 20 students gathered around in the Seton Hill’s Art building yard also known as the SHAC to participate in the auction for pieing professors.

“I think it’s a really good time for everyone involved, we get to release some stress and just laugh and have fun!” said Hope Albert, a member of the National Association of Music Education. An organization dedicated to rising music educators and those who are in the field.
“I am super happy to be able to participate in this event,” said Emily Conroy who threw a pie at her music therapy professor, Sarah McMeekin, “She gave me a hug after so now I am covered in pie too.”
“We started planning last semester,” said Dale Streletz, the vice president of NAfME. “As soon as all the officers got elected we started brainstorming ways to bring more attention to NAfME.”
“Next month we will be hosting a masked talent show featuring many of the professors from up on the hill. We plan on having it hosted in Cecilian Hall on Friday, October 22,” wrote Ellen Davis, the president of NAfME. “The professors will be dressed up in costumes, and we are going to have a panel of judges to give their opinions on who they think is behind the mask. Audience members then will be able to vote on who they think it is.”
Published by Jerod Stull