Jan. 4 at 18:52 “A smoke detector activated on 2nd Farrell. An item in the microwave was the cause. Fire department deodorized the room.”
Jan. 10 at 19:10 “A fire alarm activated at the 131 building. The cause was unknown.”
Jan. 19 at 22:20 “A smoke detector activated on 3rd floor Brownlee. The cause of the alarm may have been a hair dryer.”
Jan. 20 at 12:52 “A resident student was involved in a liquor law violation in Brownlee.”
Jan. 21 at 3:10 “A smoke detector activated on 1st floor DeChantal. Burnt food in a toaster oven was the cause.”
Jan. 24 at 9:00 “A stop sign on Field House lane was found in a dumpster behind the forensic house. It was found split in two.”
Jan. 24 at 18:30 “A commuter student reported her vehicle was damaged (hit and run) while parked in parking lot ‘A.’”
Jan. 24 at 22:23 “A resident student was in possession of marijuana. Investigation is continuing.”
Jan. 25 at 12:15 “3 residents of 1st floor Havey reported thefts from the same room.”
Jan. 26 at 8:35 “A student reported his vehicle was keyed while either parked in lot ‘B’ or in the PAC parking lot.”
Jan. 26 at 10:10 “A resident student reported that someone damaged her tire while her vehicle was parked in lot ‘D.’”
Jan. 30 at 0:30 “A smoke detector activated on 1st floor Havey. The cause was not determined.”
Published By: Paige Parise