Lack of interest leads to cancellation of study abroad trips

Due to lack of enrollment, Seton Hill University (SHU) canceled several study abroad trips: the May term trip to China, the January term trip to London, and the J-term trip to Mexico. Although, according to John Spurlock, the director of the humanities program, “there is a growing recognition that these study courses are both valuable and fun.”
However, Spurlock ensures that the Mexico trips are not canceled indefinitely. Associate professor of language, Debra Faszer-McMahon, explained that SHU rescheduled the trip for January of 2010.

By Jessie Krehlik

Staff Writer

Due to lack of enrollment, Seton Hill University (SHU) canceled several study abroad trips: the May term trip to China, the January term trip to London, and the J-term trip to Mexico. Although, according to John Spurlock, the director of the humanities program, “there is a growing recognition that these study courses are both valuable and fun.”
However, Spurlock ensures that the Mexico trips are not canceled indefinitely. Associate professor of language, Debra Faszer-McMahon, explained that SHU rescheduled the trip for January of 2010.

“These courses should be considered by all students,” Spurlock said, “since the three-week experience in Mexico gives students a chance to take six credits and meet two core curriculum requirements.”

While lack of enrollment played a huge role in the cancellations of these trips, both Spurlock and Faszer-McMahon agree that other factors like the economy may have contributed. Faszer-McMahon said that reports showed that “some students withdrew late due to financial concerns” and that “a large number opted to wait out the current economic crunch” and enroll in the program next year.

However, Faszer-McMahon also said that many of the Spanish students showed more interest in the trip to Spain planned for M-term. Most of those students opted for the M-term courses rather than J-term, simply because of the courses offered in foreign countries, which include theatre, Spanish and dietetics.

“As far as promoting the trips, I am open to suggestions. “ said Spurlock. “One student who was disappointed about the cancellation of her trip told me she couldn’t understand why more students weren’t interested.”

In order to prevent more cancellations while promoting more trips, the study abroad center has an annual fair.
