Senior Staff Speak-Out: Bridget Malley

“They can’t make me pay student loans if they can’t find me, right?” Photo courtesy of B.Malley.

They told me I should write about my plan for the future but I read the words ‘plan’ and ‘future’ and kind of panicked, which isn’t really conducive to writing a good article. Tell you what, reader — why don’t you figure out my life for me? No pressure, it’s just for now. You can give me some ideas to work with while I finish decorating my graduation cap. Just fill in the blanks below and let me know what you come up with!

Bridget Malley is a soon-to-be graduate of Seton Hill University, where she majored in something or other. Her greatest accomplishment during this time is doing ____________________ in her _____ year, when she __________________ successfully.

Beginning in __________, she will take a job as a/an _________________ working with ___________________. She is eager to use her _______ skills as a way to improve the community around her and eventually transition to a career in the field of _____________.

After graduation, she hopes to take up ______ as a hobby and will begin ____________ when the weather gets warmer. Her sisters, ____ and ________ and that other one, are _____________ to hear that she’s graduating.

“I don’t know how she got this far but I guess I’m grateful that she did,” said _________. “Bridget is a _________ person, she’s kind of cool. I’m looking forward to ______________ this summer when we meet up!”

Throughout her time at Seton Hill, Bridget has participated in the following activities/roles (please select at least 3):

  • Underwater basket-weaving
  • Competitive eating
  • President of the Belly-Dancing Club
  • Little-League Bowling
  • Speaking for the fish
  • Archimedean Scholar
  • Masonry
  • Treasurer of the Mime Society

She is also an accomplished _____________, having received recognition from __________ for her endeavors. It is her great pleasure to have worked with incredible, passionate individuals during her time at Seton Hill, especially _____ ________ and ___________ ________. She wishes all her fellow Setonians a ________ summer and hopes that they continue to ___________ in the Seton Hill community.

Hazard yet forward!

Published By: Paige Parise

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