SHGA news update: SHU to gain new parking lot and vote for offiers March 19, 2010setonian It is that time of year again! Elections for all Student Government Class Officer Positions and Executive Board positions are right around the [...]
Phisers fish for passwords in the Internet ocean March 19, 2010valeriemasciarelli No one likes to be scammed, especially if you are a student who is already working your way through school. So on Feb. [...]
America tunes into television during record blizzard February 19, 2010valeriemasciarelli They are calling it the “Blizzard of 2010.” The snowstorm that dumped as much as 30 inches of beautiful, white, yet aggravating fluff [...]
Student reactions to policy prompt need for new solutions February 19, 2010valeriemasciarelli I am a smoker. I am seen as a litterer, a self-abuser, an addict and a rule breaker. Maybe some of those things [...]
Announcing upcoming SHGA events for interactive students February 19, 2010setonian Can you believe it is February already? Hope all your classes have started out well and that the semester is already flying by. [...]
Unearthing cars with helpful friends and strangers February 19, 2010valeriemasciarelli Due to the recent system of snowstorms that have covered cities across the Midwestern and Eastern states, several of Seton Hill University (SHU) [...]
Work and play without diving off the deepend January 28, 2010setonian The new year of 2010 is still shiny and novel, yet filled with hopeful resolutions to improve people’s lives. As students at Seton [...]
Welcome back Setonians January 28, 2010valeriemasciarelli I am sure that you have been welcomed back many, many times already, but I would like to also welcome you back to [...]
‘A Tree is Known by its Fruits’ — CST Projects Across the SHU Curriculum December 3, 2009valeriemasciarelli Seton Hill University is institutionally committed (as articulated in its Mission Statement, and in the Strategic Plan) to facilitate students’ critical thinking, and [...]
Final tally for Midnight Bingo December 3, 2009valeriemasciarelli The end of the fall semester has arrived! On behalf of the entire SHGA executive board, I wish you best of luck during [...]