Back aches and pains are available to all ages June 14, 2009valeriemasciarelli Back pain can slow one down. One would think that back pain is related to age. That’s what I thought up until a [...]
Running here, running there, running everywhere June 14, 2009valeriemasciarelli No one ever forgets that anxious child-like manner everyone has revealed once or twice in his or her lifetime. Think you’re exempt? Think [...]
Little green aliens kidnap Holmes and paper supplies May 2, 2009valeriemasciarelli As a journalist-in-training, part of the job requires adequate knowledge of investigative reporting. Even when I’m not on-the-job, I feel like you always [...]
Welcome to wherever you are May 2, 2009valeriemasciarelli And so it begins. The beginning of the end. Three years have really flown by. I know it seems cliche, but it seems [...]
New beginings come around once again April 4, 2009valeriemasciarelli Every once and while, we are required to take a step back from our busy happenings and reassess where it is that we [...]
Whatever I am, that’s what I am… April 4, 2009valeriemasciarelli I find myself choosing classes for the beginning of my final year at Seton Hill University (SHU.) Even though I still three semesters [...]
Pinguino Italiano April 4, 2009valeriemasciarelli I can come off as smug every once in awhile. I have voiced a conceited tone towards others before. When hasn’t anyone stuck [...]
Life is full of pork chops March 21, 2009valeriemasciarelli For the most part in our modern-day society, there is a grounded and permanent set of ethical rules to follow. In general terms, [...]
25 Things survey: world news addition March 21, 2009valeriemasciarelli 1. Cha Sa-Soon, a 68-year-old South Korean woman, has failed her driver’s license test 778 times. Perhaps I shouldn’t feel so bad about [...]
Rising from the ashes of chaos March 3, 2009setonian As chaotic as our college lives may seem, most of us can say we’ve got somewhat of a scheduled routine at the prime [...]