With $8.5 trillion U.S. debt, it’s time to vote October 31, 2006evanreynolds This election aims at a �change.� Do we want to stay the course or change the direction of this country? It’s not only [...]
Fighting fuel dependency at any cost October 12, 2006evanreynolds Start up that SUV and take the family for a Sunday drive because gas prices are falling. It’s sweet crude oil, an actual [...]
Illegal endorsement: Religious groups and politics September 19, 2006evanreynolds In the upcoming November elections many religious organizations will be preaching which issues should be the primary concern for voters. The response might [...]
Catholic mis-identity?: Petitioning for holiday breaks April 25, 2006evanreynolds As far as memory serves me, Easter holiday breaks have consisted of that extra Monday off that at least allowed me to return [...]
MIKE RUBINO, HILL RAISER �The tell-tale dribble� or �Pachelbel’s Canon of Suck� March 16, 2006evanreynolds Planning to go to bed early because you have to get up at seven in the morning is like telling a robber you [...]
A View from the Sidelines: Valentine’s Day tribute: Coach Fogle February 15, 2005October 10, 2017setonian [...]