Comedians illuminate sex on humorous and serious levels

“Marriage is not a ticket to Six Flags.”

“What does ‘stop’ really mean?”

“Getting hammered, getting nailed…what, are we having sex in the Home Depot?”

The above quotations came from Sex Signals—the two person show held at Seton Hill University (SHU) Friday, Feb. 10 featuring actors Cameron Miller and Fawzia Mirza.

Mirza and Miller acted out comedy sketches with help from the audience to show the workings of the male and female minds in the midst of relationships. Together, the two actors provided examples of what could make or break a relationship as well as gave light to the expectations potential dating partners have for one another.

The topics covered by Mirza and Miller ranged from meeting potential significant others to long-term relationships. The actors improvised situations in which their characters exhibited awkwardness from the other’s actions, experienced pressure from the other sex as far as what was expected of him or her and showed how important it is to know when to say ‘stop’ or when to help a friend if he or she is in an uncomfortable situation.

Annie Beckel, a sophomore, commented as well, saying: “I liked how much [the actors] interacted with the audience.”

“I think the two actors put an interesting spin on an awkward topic to talk about. But it’s totally necessary to get the message out,” said Stephen Harvey, a sophomore music major.

“It was very informative and educational,” said Sammy Brant, sophomore accounting major.

Jordan Forney, a sophomore English major also responded: “All of the improv was great; it was hysterical to watch them act out scenes the audience helped them to make.”

“The show was very entertaining, informative and the actors were very engaged to the audience; they kept my attention the whole time,” said junior and Resident Assistant, Samira Parrilla. “It seemed to me that they were trying to demonstrate how ridiculous individuals look when violating the space of others looking for immediate sex and not caring so much about verbal and physical consent.”

“It’s a good message and we have fun doing it. With comedy, people tend to remember [the message] better. It really resonates with people,” said Mirza.

Not strangers to the stage, Mirza has been acting for about five years and Miller for about two years.

The show also included the many stereotypes that face men and women today and provided ways in which they can appear less daunting to the average dater.

“My favorite part was when the actors portrayed a non-traditional rape scene in which the victim was under the influences of alcohol. It was a very delicate topic to go over, but the actors were sensible toward the audience and provided accurate information about why sex with ‘consent’ under the influences of alcohol is not consent,” said Parrilla.

Amanda Ries, a member of SHU’s Residence Life, attended the show as well.
“…[Mirza and Miller] opened with so much humor and talked about things [students] needed to hear.”

Sex Signals kicked off the Red Flag Campaign, an event held the week of Valentine’s Day that supports and encourages healthy relationships.

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