Where does your road lead?

The situation presented in Robert Frost�s, �The Road Not Taken,� is an experience on which seniors graduating in May are about to embark. Do they chose to go on to graduate school, enter the workforce, volunteer, or kick up their heels and take a break?
This idea of a �road not taken� can be a very scary thought for students who just may not know what the future holds for them. I know, from a personal standpoint, that I am very scared about the future. I do not know whether I will go back for further schooling or try to enter into a career.

By Kristy Schweikarth,
Senior Staff Writer
The situation presented in Robert Frost�s, �The Road Not Taken,� is an experience on which seniors graduating in May are about to embark. Do they chose to go on to graduate school, enter the workforce, volunteer, or kick up their heels and take a break?
This idea of a �road not taken� can be a very scary thought for students who just may not know what the future holds for them. I know, from a personal standpoint, that I am very scared about the future. I do not know whether I will go back for further schooling or try to enter into a career.
For those who do have an idea of what they are going to do upon graduation, it is a surreal thought and an exciting adventure.
Jean Fabian, a senior who majored in business management, has two choices before her after graduation.
�I will either use my degree to further my career with my current employer, or search outside of my company to find a job that will utilize the skills that I�ve developed here at Seton Hill University,� said Fabian.
The road that Fabian shares with many seniors is one that splits in two, with one road having a change of scenery, and the other a climb to the top of a hill.
For senior Kristen Zapalla, who majored in social work, it will be a road to Kentucky, where she will be volunteering for Ameri-Corps Vista in the Christian-Appalachian project.
�I will have the option to work in outreach, education in schools, home-repair and building, along with many other services the Ameri-Corps gives to those in need,� said Zapalla.
No matter what your road is or where it leads you, the uncertainty of the world will always lie ahead. You will always have your education and memories that you have gained throughout your years in college to keep you grounded. So good luck seniors, may you find your road.
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