Seton Hill shows support at memorial procession


The Seton Hill University (SHU) community lined Seton Hill Drive to welcome President Emerita JoAnne Boyle on her last journey up the Hill. Covering over three quarters of the Hill, participants stood hand-in-hand.

“We have mixed emotions, celebrating her life and of course mourning her death. She had academic brilliance, she had administrative powers, she had personal skills, most people have one of those skill, she had all three,” said David Von Schlichten, adjunct instructor.

As the processional arrived and was met by the Boyle family, the SHU chapel bells tolled. The hushed words of the alma mater could be heard as observers sang.

“We were very pleased be able to celebrate JoAnne’s life while she was here,” said Justin Norris, director of development at SHU, “and we look forward to continuing to honoring her even in her death.”

The viewing was held shortly after in the admin parlors. Additional viewings will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by a funeral Mass.


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  • Mildred Moss on said:

    Hope there is a video for this somewhere….. I could not be there. I look forward to live stream for JoAnne’s memorial on Wednesday. Wish i could be there. Praise God for you. May your soul rest in eternity through Jesus Christ. Good Bye.

  • Mildred Moss on said:

    Hope there is a video for this somewhere….. I could not be there. I look forward to live stream for JoAnne’s memorial on Wednesday. Wish i could be there. Praise God for you. May your soul rest in eternity through Jesus Christ. Good Bye.

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