For those of you who do not know who Donald Trump is, he is a billionaire real estate developer and a supposed extremely successful business owner.
He owns Trump Organization, which includes Trump Tower in New York City. His company covers real estate development, sales and marketing and property management among other things. Trump also once owned a successful casino called the Taj Mahal Casino.
Most of you may know him from the reality television series The Apprentice, which later created a spin-off show called, The Celebrity Apprentice. The NBC shows were a success and Trump so cleverly made the phrase “You’re fired” a cultural hit.
More recently, Trump has been making a spectacle of himself by running for President of the United States of America. Yes, you heard me correctly.
A lot of people could not believe the news when it first broke that Trump was running for president. It has since become a topic of national debate.
In a recent poll conducted by Frank Lutz, a political consultant and pollster, many anonymous people had positive things to say about Trump on the website Business Insider.
“’He has a history of getting the job done. We need someone as president who can get the job done, and I feel he’s not afraid to take on the challenges,” stated an anonymous male panelist of the poll, who also happened to vote for President Obama for the two prior elections.
This quote shows that liberal identified citizens are beginning to vote for conservative candidates. Trump will have a greater advantage in this campaign if he gains votes that are not of his own ideology or party.
Other citizens of the United States did not have such great things to say about Trump, due to the fact that he spoke out against Mexican immigrants, calling them murderers and rapists.
“’When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,’ he said. ‘They’re sending people that have lots of problems…they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,’” stated Trump.
America Ferrara, a Latin-American actress, mostly known for her roles in the television show Ugly Betty and the film Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, responded to Trump’s comments.
“’You see, what you just did with your straight talk was send more Latino voters to the polls than several registration rallies combined!,’ she enthused. ‘…Remarks like yours will serve brilliantly to energize Latino voters and increase turnout on election day against you and any other candidate who runs on a platform of hateful rhetoric …’”
Ferrara continued by saying, “’We are the future,’ she said. ‘In case you need a translation, that means there are a whole lot of Americans who are Latino and have the right to vote. And, we’re not going anywhere.’”
Trump has also not been popular with his past remarks on women. He has stated that women would look better if they “were on their knees.” Not only that, but he calls women he simply does not like dumb, ugly, fat, and whatever other derogatory words you can think of.
During the Republican debate, Trump was questioned by Megyn Kelly, a former attorney and current Fox News anchor. Kelly questioned him on women and why we should trust a president to help with the war on women if he has degraded and belittled them his whole life.
“Only Rosie O’Donnell,” Trump said, “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I’ve been challenged by so many people and frankly I don’t have time for total political correctness.”
After the debate, Trump criticized Kelly for asking him that question, stating that it could have ruined his campaign. Now, he is also expressing how unprofessional she was for asking a question that most Americans are probably thinking.
While Trump has gotten himself in a bit of a pickle on a few issues, he still remains number one on Republican polls. He is winning in Iowa and New Hampshire, and it does not look like he is stopping anytime soon.
Citizens of America love how outspoken he is and how he does not back down on his beliefs. However, is that enough to truly qualify him as a president, or does his past successful business track and recent interest in politics give him that presidential nod he needs?
If I were to vote for a Republican candidate today, it would not be Donald Trump. Yes, he is enthusiastic and is not afraid to speak his mind, but I do not believe those qualities should make him president.
Donald Trump is a television personality way more than he is a businessman or politician. Four of his past businesses have gone bankrupt. He degrades women on a daily basis.
In my opinion, the best thing for Trump is to stay in entertainment. America does need someone who is honest and not a coward, but that candidate also needs to have a little more successful experience.