Staff Editorial: The Setonian staff’s secret tips on how to survive finals week

1. Aim for completion, not perfection. So your final project isn’t all that you hoped and dreamed it would be and you didn’t have time to make it something you are extremely proud of. That’s okay! Submitting a project that is just okay is better than submitting nothing at all. You would drive yourself insane if you tried to make every last sentence perfect.

2. When it comes time for studying, make sure you’re in a quiet place where you can focus, and if you’re in a study group, make sure everyone is focused and prepared, especially if you are in for a long night or session.

3. Studying in groups can be better than studying by yourself. Find a classmate and study together, quiz each other, and take breaks together. Guaranteed it will improve the mood and the atmosphere when you’re not alone, and teaching someone else the material is proven to help learn material better.

4. Take breaks in between studying, so you don’t feel like you’re cramming information. Maybe study for an hour or two and then take a thirty minute break. Catch up on a tv show you missed, color a picture, or just listen to some relaxing music. Then get back to whatever you were working on.

5. Spread your studying out over the course of the days leading up to your final. Don’t just study for your finals the night before the tests. No one needs to panic and cram if you have a schedule in place that allows you to manage everything and leave time for food and sleep.

6. Remember that sleep is important! Don’t try to pull all nighters in hopes to force information into your head. Trust me, it’s not going to do you any good! You’ll feel better (and learn more) if you get a few hours of sleep and pick up in the morning. You can’t suddenly recover full concentration and efficiency with one good night sleep and caffeine, especially if you’ve been staying up late studying for days.

7. Make a list of all of your work in the order you want to do it. Making a list gives you a physical representation of what you need to finish instead of just thinking about all the things you have to do. It also allows you to physically cross off the assignments once you’ve finished them, and trust me when I say that watching everything get slowly crossed off of that list is reassuring.

9. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted while you study. If you need to use your computer, stay off social media and other unnecessary websites. Keeping your phone away from you will also help limit the distractions and keep you more focused on your work.

Published By: Laramie Cowan

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