When it comes to being a student in college there are many stressful times, but the most exciting is when you realize that you’re graduating. “To be prepared for graduation, I’ve done things to make me grow as a person. I have forced myself to start being better at time management,” said Deshaun Herzog, Seton Hill University human resources major.
“I would recommend that graduating seniors try to fit self-care into their hectic schedule, making sure you have time to relax and breathe and do things that you want to do,” said former SHU student and English graduate of Trinity Washington University Karrin Thompson.
After facing long semesters with endless assignments and projects, students are going to embrace one of the greatest moments of their lives. “As you sit at commencement, I hope you’re able to take a moment and reminisce on everything that’s gotten you to graduation day,” said Elise Michaux, director of student involvement at SHU. “Don’t be so caught up in thinking about the next chapter that you forget about the one coming to a close.”
Graduating from college is a big step for most people, as well as a sigh of relief, but most importantly it’s the closing to a journey of finding yourself. “Senior year is so much more than completing assignments it’s also the time to complete job applications and school applications so that when you walk across the stage, you have an idea of where you’re headed,” Thompson said.
Being a student in college can come with many indecisive moments, tears and stress, but it also paves the way for the person you aspire to be.
“Being a student at Seton Hill University has helped me create a portfolio for my future employer,” said Sahara Duncan, hospitality and tourism major who plans on being an event coordinator. “I believe being the President of the Black Student Union has prepared me for this position. I have planned several events including Paint’ n Jam, BSU/MISO Fashion Show and much more.”
“I have been practicing money management and each year I have gotten better and better at it, and I truly think that now that I can hold a budget and do well with it,” said Herzog.
In the book “Forest For The Trees,” Betsy Lerner makes a point that, “Rome wasn’t built in one day, so don’t expect your career to be.”
Going out into the world on your own can be grueling, especially right after you graduate, but isn’t that what you’ve prepared yourself for during these past four years? “After graduation, you’ll have to hold yourself accountable for your actions in and outside of the office,” said Connie Kugel, director of student support services.
“These last years were tough, but I was able to make it this far,” said Ashley Myers, computer science major. “After graduation I plan on working with the internship I have been accepted for, which will lead to employment.”
Remember that you don’t have to rush to grow up, but don’t be afraid of change either.
“Take chances while you’re young and fresh out of school,” Kugel said. “Take chances while you’re young and fresh out of school.”
“Fail. Failure is important to success. We didn’t take our first step without crawling. Be kind to yourself and continue to learn as you go,” said Marissa Haynes, coordinator of service outreach.
“It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being consistent. Allow yourself room to fail. It’s how you respond to that failure that will take you far in life,” Michaux said.
Go the extra mile to make checklists and use planners to make sure you’re ready for life after graduation. Everything will work in your favor with an optimistic perspective.
Published By: Stephen Dumnich