As college students, it is important to find internship opportunities that fit into our busy schedules. A great way to balance school and an internship is by working a remote internship that you can complete at whatever location is easiest for you.
However, remote internships can have some challenges of their own, such as staying focused and productive. Here are five tips I have learned through a remote internship with The Bachrach Group, a national recruiting firm.
- Dress to impress!
Although you won’t be going into the office, you can still dress like you are. Changing out of pajamas into more office appropriate clothes will help you get into a more professional mindset.
When working remotely, you may have an increase in video calls with your bosses, coworkers or clients that will require you to be dressed similarly to other professionals in your field. Waking up a little early to dress the part will make you feel more prepared to perform your daily intern duties!
- Get out of bed!
While staying in your blankets to do your work sounds like a major plus to being a remote intern, it can do more harm than good! Your bed should be your space to relax after a day of work, so completing your work in your bed could affect how quickly you destress in your bed.
Finding a place such as a cafe, library or a desk out of your room can improve your productivity at work. Dedicating one space solely to work will help you transition more effectively from relaxed, normal college student to young professional or intern.
- Take strategic breaks!
When working alone, it is easy to fall into the Youtube or social media traps for small breaks. Being more strategic with your breaks will help you stay on track with work and feel healthier too!
Stepping away from your laptop to take short walks to refill your water bottle or grab a quick snack is ultimately better for you.
Spacing these breaks out after a certain amount of time or tasks have been completed will also encourage you to check things off your weekly to do lists!
- Utilize Linkedin!
It is hard to get to know your coworkers while working remotely. By connecting with people from your company on Linkedin, you can connect face to the emails you are receiving throughout the week.
It also helps you build relationships that you would make in a traditional office. These professional connections could even help you later in life when job hunting!
- Find a good balance!
Like any job, you need to find your balance between school, work, and your social life. Work with your supervisors to find a schedule that allows you to still remain focused on your studies and gives you time for self care.
Sometimes it is harder to find your balance and determine what you should be focusing on while having a remote internship because you are now going to classes, socializing, doing assignments and working all on the same campus.
While getting experience in the professional world is important, remember that you are still a busy college student!
Published by Caitlin Srager