With this year’s incoming class being the largest one yet, and the probability that the classes will keep growing, plans to expand the campus are among top priorities.The Board of Trustees will be holding meetings on Oct. 26 and 27 from 11 a.m. to 12:45 noon. Students are encouraged to attend these meetings and voice their thoughts and concerns on campus issues.
Incoming class officers were inducted at Thursday’s meeting. Megan Carnahan, president; Jonteal Hasty, vice president; Victorious Collymore-Bey, secretary; Lauren Schoeppner, treasurer; and Kaitlyn Ellsworth, CLRB representative, were all inducted. Also inducted were Aaron Lines as an executive board member and Grace Strauser as the commuter CLRB representative. Each student gave their oath to honor as representatives of their class.
Voting was done differently this year. Where in the past students voted on paper at the involvement fair, this year students were obligated to vote online when logging into Griffins Lair. This resulted in a better turn out of votes, 208 more than last year.